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# Композиція Виконавець Джерело Час
1 016. Прийдіте, поклонімся ''Літургія Київська'' O come let us Worship ''Divine Liturgy: Kyivan Chant'' Камерний хор ''Київ'' Alex Shvets 0:49
2 001. Come, Let Us Worship (Priidite, poklonimsia) Latvian Radio Choir (Sigvards Klava) Alex Shvets 2:32
3 001. Pridite, Poklonimsja - Come, Let Us Worship Гос Академический Русский Хор СССР (Свешников А.) Alex Shvets 2:32
4 Here I Am to Worship The O'neill Brothers Group 3:48
5 002. Priidite, poklonimsya (O come, let us worship) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 1:53
6 001. Vespers. Come, let us worship (Priidite, poklonimsia) Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (Paul Hillier) Alex Shvets 2:51
7 001. Приидите, поклонимся - Come, Let Us Worship Talla Vocal Ensemble ( Pasi Hyokki) Alex Shvets 2:31
8 001. Come, Let Us Worship (Priiditye, poklonimsya) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 1:40
9 001. Priidite, Poklonimsya - Come, Let Us Worship Festival Singers (Robert Shaw) Alex Shvets 3:01
10 001. Приидите, поклонимся - O Come and Worship Камерный хор СССР (Полянский В.) Alex Shvets 2:20
11 003. Приидите, поклонимся - Come, Let Us Worship Певческая капелла Санкт-Петербурга (Чернушенко) Alex Shvets 1:40
12 Here I Am To Worship Betlehem 3:47
13 Heart of Worship E-Praise Betlehem 4:38
14 O Come Let Us Worship Georgian Chant Хор братии Валаамского монастыря. Регент иеродиако goutsoullac 2:49
15 My Glorious Lounge Worship ksu_ksusha 3:54
16 We Worship You Betlehem 4:11
17 .mp3 Almaz worship Ира_К 3:57
18 ¦ CCS Worship БЛАГОДАРРМ ГОСПОДЬ Alik1961 2:38
19 Made To Worship (Chris Tomlin) Various Artists ascolt1 4:19
20 More Love, More Power Lounge Worship 3 bezposeredniy 3:37