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# Композиція Виконавець Джерело Час
3661 005. Ныне отпущаеши - Lord, now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart in Peace Talla Vocal Ensemble ( Pasi Hyokki) Alex Shvets 3:35
3662 003. Блажен муж - Blessed is the Man Talla Vocal Ensemble ( Pasi Hyokki) Alex Shvets 5:34
3663 Small Town Boy 187_Bronski Beat murat 4:59
3664 Running In The City 128_Space murat 4:12
3665 Bolero Fancy murat 4:00
3666 Stayin' Alive 041_Bee Gees murat 4:23
3667 007. Matins. The Six Psalms (Shestopsalmiye) Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (Paul Hillier) Alex Shvets 2:07
3668 004. Kathisma, sessional hymn 4th Mode Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 1:34
3669 007. Stichiron idiomelon in 2nd mode and verses of the Great Doxology (Petros Lambadarios) Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 4:06
3670 003. O synapostatis tyrannos VocaMe Alex Shvets 2:45
3671 015. Isaou nyn tou prophitou VocaMe Alex Shvets 3:13
3672 hey baby No Doubt tiko kusok 3:31
3673 015. Communion of the Faithful: ''So srakhom Bozhim'' Санкт-Петербургский камерный хор (Корнев) Alex Shvets 2:24
3674 002. Благослови, душе моя Господа / Bless the Lord, O my soul Академия хорового искусства (Попов) Alex Shvets 4:27
3675 004. Во царствии Твоем - In the Kingdom (Beatitudes) Академия хорового искусства (Попов) Alex Shvets 4:52
3676 006. Господи, спаси благочестивыя. Трисвятое - Lord, save the just. Thrice Holy Академия хорового искусства (Попов) Alex Shvets 2:25
3677 016. Буди имя Господне - Blessed be the name of the Lord Академия хорового искусства (Попов) Alex Shvets 0:57
3678 014. Tropar. Dnes spasenie (Today is salvation come) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 1:53
3679 001. Blessing (Blagoslovenie) / Great Litany (Velikaya Yektenia) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 6:10
3680 022. 'Blessed be the name of the Lord' ('Budi Imya Gospodne') Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 0:47