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# Композиція Виконавець Джерело Час
338081 002. Blagoslovi, Dushe Moya - Bless The Lord, O My Soul Festival Singers (Robert Shaw) Alex Shvets 6:14
338082 003. Blazhen Muzh - Blessed Be The Man Festival Singers (Robert Shaw) Alex Shvets 6:17
338083 012. Slava V Vyshnikh Bogu (Slavoslovie Velikoe) - Gloria (The Great doxology) Swedish Radio Choir (Tonu Kaljuste) Alex Shvets 6:36
338084 013. Dnes Spaseniye Miru Byst - This day is salvation come Swedish Radio Choir (Tonu Kaljuste) Alex Shvets 1:51
338085 014. Voskres Iz Groba - Being risen from the thomb Swedish Radio Choir (Tonu Kaljuste) Alex Shvets 3:30
338086 015. Vzbrannoy Voyevode - O victorious leader Swedish Radio Choir (Tonu Kaljuste) Alex Shvets 1:44
338087 001. Come, Let Us Worship (Priiditye, poklonimsya) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 1:40
338088 002. Bless The Lord, O my Soul (from Psalm 104) (Blagoslovi, dushe moya) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 5:58
338089 003. Blessed Is The Man (from Psalm 1) (Blazhen muzh) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 3:57
338090 Похрести БеZ Обмежень ttiamatt16 3:48
338091 005. Canticle of Simeon (Nyne otpushchayeshi) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 3:29
338092 008. Polyeleopsalm (Khvalite imya Gospodne) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 1:56
338093 010. Having Beheld The Resurrection (Voskresenie Khristovo videvshe) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 2:57
338094 011. Hymn of Thanksgiving to the Mother of God (Velichit dusha moya Ghospoda) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 6:22
338095 012. The Great Doxology (Slavoslovie velikoe) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 7:29
338096 013. Troparion of the Resurrection I (Tropar. Dnes spasenie) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 1:54
338097 015. Kontakion for the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary (Vzbrannoy Voevodye) Finnish National Opera Chorus-Eric-Olof Soderstrom Alex Shvets 1:31
338098 The Yellow Brick Road Song Iyeoka ell exx 3:40
338099 01 Интро max707 1:40
338100 02 Сироты max707 3:59