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# Композиція Виконавець Джерело Час
338321 002. 1st Stanza- Psalm 102 (103) Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 5:44
338322 005. Small Introit with the Gospel Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 0:45
338323 006. Trisagion - Dynamis Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 6:54
338324 007. Prokeimenon - Epistle Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 5:57
338325 008. Alleluia - Gospel Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 5:04
338326 009. Glory Be to Thee, O Lord Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 1:07
338327 010. Hymn of the Cherubim - Great Introit Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 11:54
338328 011. Kiss of Peace - Symbol of Faith (Creed) Greek Byzantine Choir (Angelopoulos) Alex Shvets 4:17
338329 014. Tropar. Dnes spasenie (Today is salvation come) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 1:53
338330 015. Tropar. Voskres iz groba (Thou didst rise from the tomb) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 3:06
338331 016. Vzbrannoi voevode (To thee, our leader in battle) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 1:50
338332 Чомусь Так Гірко Плакала Вона (Sefon.me) Олександр Пономарьов powerich 6:01
338333 003. Small Litany (Malaya Yektenia) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 1:40
338334 005. Small Litany (Malaya Yektenia) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 1:41
338335 Just For Fun The Buddaheads rutzit 4:11
338336 Ой, Мамо АНДРІАНА powerich 3:16
338337 008. Trisagion (Trisvatoe) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 1:49
338338 011. The Creed (Simvol Very) Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 6:51
338339 013. 'We praise you' ('Tebe poem') Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 2:44
338340 015. 'First of all remember, Lord' ('F pervyh pomyani') Choir of King's College. Cambridge (Cleobury S.) Alex Shvets 1:48